
There is much controversy surrounding how the Newfoundland breed became to be; some believe they are from the Labrador bloodlines while other believe they are of Nomadic Indian breed bloodlines. What we do know for a fact is that this breed was used for hauling nets, ships to shore, retrieving ship pieces, rescuing drowning humans, delivering items, helping builders haul logs and many other activities. This breed helped in any way they could and they were able to work in frigid temperatures.

The Newfoundland breed is massive in size with males and females weighing 100-150 pounds in weight and measuring 25-29 inches in height. This breed has an extremely large head with two large pendant shaped ears hanging alongside of it. Their two eyes are medium in size and set back in their face and far apart from each other. Their muzzle is wide and short in appearance and forms into a scissor bite. When coat color is black, their nose is black to match and when their coat color is chocolate, their nose is brown. This breed has a very bulky, large body build, with 4 long and large legs. Their tail is large and long with hair feathering off of it and it should remain low when relaxed. This breed has a very thick double coat that is available in, black, black with blue highlights, black with white markings, brown and gray.

The Newfoundland breed is truly an incredible dog breed. Known for the patient, calm and loving ways, this large breed dog will absolutely love and cherish your family until their last days. This breed is known for accepting all dogs, pets and children of all ages that they grow up with, as well as those who enter their home without a threat. The Newfoundland breed is very calm and "slow moving" within the home and generally. This breed is very obedient and requires a firm and confident owner who uses positive reinforcement training methods only. This breed will protect his or her home, however they are known for being very quiet. This breed is most likely to corner an intruder or hold him or her down, as it is extremely rare that they would ever "attack" anything or anyone. This breed is also known for simply standing in between his or her owner and a stranger if they feel they are unsure of their intentions, to help "protect" their owner. This breed can be the best dog you've ever known if you remain calm, consistent and with set rules and schedule for him or her to follow.

This breed has a very thick, double coat that is weather resistant. This breed sheds little daily but heavily twice a year with weather changes. Daily brushing that reaches their undercoat as well as bathing when needed. We recommend a trip to a professional groomer every 3-4 months.

Please fully educate yourself about the Newfoundland prior to adding one to your home to ensure you have the proper space and can provide life long physical and financial care for your new addition. This breed is generally very healthy, although heart issues and weight issues can occur. We recommend a properly fenced in area or proper harness and leash while outdoors at all times. All dogs originate from wolves (Canis Lupus). Each breed of dog was originally created by mixing different breeds together in an effort to bring forth certain characteristics. Once a breeder has created acceptable “breed characteristics” within their bloodline and these “breed characteristics” have shown to be reliably reproduced in the offspring for three (3) generations, the bloodline may be upgraded from the category of “foundation stock” to “pure-bred”. The same “pure-bred” breed standards vary from different continents, countries, territories, regions, breed clubs, and canine pure-breed registries depending on the goals of their breeders. Dog DNA testing companies can have accurate results for a specific bloodline of a small colony of dogs. However, there are tens of thousands of different bloodlines in the world which have not yet been tested for marker baseline results by Dog DNA testing companies as of 2017. For this reason Dog DNA testing companies do not guarantee the 100% accuracy of their breed lineage results and will also show different marker results for the same pure-bred breed in different continents, countries, territories, regions, breed clubs, and canine pure-breed registries depending on the goals of their breeders.